Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thats it guys, I quit.

I thought about going on a rant about conservative economics and how I don't know if those ideas ever would've worked in any society, and that I especially don't think it would work today, but I don't know enough about it to make such a statement. Also, I fucking quit. I don't want to hear about it anymore you jerks. Stop telling me that the economy is bad. I don't care anymore. Other things I don't care about anymore... Anything NOT trivial. I will from now on only be interested in weird societal quirks and funny stories. The only exception will be my watching of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report because they just make fun of anything that matters and that is what I need. I apologize in advance if I brag about my self perceived superiority by knowing less about current events than anyone else. After all, ignorance IS bliss. I am going to try to revert to my college lifestyle regarding worrying about, well, anything. I will not, however, revert to my college lifestyle regarding drinking. I would die. Also, I would probably lose my job and my house. Oh crap, I'm gonna lose them anyways! The economy is so bad!! EEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!.... Maybe I ought to care a little bit.


Daniel Hong said...

hey did you know the economy is bad right now?

Mong said...

see the dow this week?