Thursday, January 29, 2009


I put this poster up in my kitchen this week. I love it. My goal is to have a themed kitchen like so many of my friends mom's had except instead of cow or pig or chicken or whatever themed, I want a banana themed kitchen, I'm well on my way. For a moment after I put this poster up however, I thought about my grandpa's house and how he has creepy, inappropriate nudes in inappropriate places around his house. Most people (my mom and aunts) found it offensive, but then I realized, this poster is hilarious.... 1 more in the win column.
Last night, I had a soccer game and a hockey game, I did not go to the soccer game because I was planning on playing hockey. Then I went to my eye doctor's house to pick up my new glasses. My eye doctor lives down the street and i played hockey with his son from the age of 6-18 so we ended up talking for 3 hours. I had no idea I was there that long, but it was kind of awesome to catch up.
Today I will spend much of my day checking and tracking my new bass amp that should be delivered today. I'm going to plan my lunch hour around its arrival so I can go home and bring it in out of the cold and maybe plug it in. Rock.


Mong said...

long time reader, first time poster, love the poster. you have some tough competition. i think your mom or schmitt's mom has a bear themed bathroom. i wanted a star wars themed house. but instead of a house, more like a spaceship. but instead of on earth, more like in space.

Daniel Hong said...

i've been to a moose bathroom before. my cubicle is being themed like bananas as we speak.